BOD Agenda ____ 1. Club's bank account review 2. Trust's bank account review 3. Preparation work of AG and DG visit 4. Continuation of Thalessemia project 5.Discussion about CSR project 6.U Read machine project 7. Donation of Sanitary disposable machine in Nav Maharashtra school revision of Sarita vidyalaya 9.Blood donation camp 10 movie premier show

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 30 Nov 2023
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Deshpande House
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Agenda ____ 1. Club's bank account review 2. Trust's bank account review 3. Preparation work of AG and DG visit 4. Continuation of Thalessemia project 5.Discussion about CSR project 6.U Read machine project 7. Donation of Sanitary disposable machine in Nav Maharashtra school revision of Sarita vidyalaya 9.Blood donation camp 10 movie premier show
Meeting Agenda Minutes of the Rotary Board of Directors Meeting at Deshpande House on 30 November 2023: 1) Financial Updates: * Trust Total Balance: 4,00,000 /- (approximately)
After expected expenses 65000/- 
Audit Status: Clear
 Club Account Balance: 4,00000/- Expected expenditure * DG Visit: 25,000 * Rent: 35,000 *Various Meetings and Events (Fellowship, 20000/- Club Assembly Assembly and AG Visit,Award Night and Bawarchi Night planning Assembly 25000/- (Approximately) *SERA VERA 10000/- * RI Dues: 2,00,000(approx) 
 2) Membership Updates: Members to be Deleted: * Jagtap Arvind * Jagtap Yogita * Dipak Deshpande
 3)Upcoming Events and Discussions: 4)DG Visit: In discussion. To fix hall for DG visits
Chairman Sachin Shinde
 5)* Strategic Planning Committee Meeting for next year: * To be conducted within 15 days
 6)* Avenue Director Presentations: * All directors to prepare presentations
 7) Project Updates: Thalassemia MOU: - 5-year MOU ending in March 24 - Renewal on hold, decision in the next meeting
 CSR Fund from Vega: - 2 Indian NIV machine worth Rs 10 lacs donations agreed - Completion by 31 December
 Sanitary Pad Disposable Machine: - Worth Rs 35,000 - On hold, discussion to be held later
 Uread Machine Donation: - Agreed for donation to Louis Braille Foundation, Wagholi
 Sanitary Pad Vending Machine: - For. R R High School in Bhor - Funding by Jayatai Deshpande
 8 ) New Position - Project Auditor: - To be added to the club - Responsible for ensuring donated items are used appropriately - MOU between donor and beneficiary
 9 ) Shaktimaan Movie Premier Show: - Releasing in January 24 - Agreed, all members to purchase at least 5 tickets
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the Rotary Board of Directors Meeting at Deshpande House on 30 November 2023: 1) Financial Updates: * Trust Total Balance: 4,00,000 /- (approximately)
After expected expenses 65000/- 
Audit Status: Clear
 Club Account Balance: 4,00000/- Expected expenditure * DG Visit: 25,000 * Rent: 35,000 *Various Meetings and Events (Fellowship, 20000/- Club Assembly Assembly and AG Visit,Award Night and Bawarchi Night planning Assembly 25000/- (Approximately) *SERA VERA 10000/- * RI Dues: 2,00,000(approx) 
 2) Membership Updates: Members to be Deleted: * Jagtap Arvind * Jagtap Yogita * Dipak Deshpande
 3)Upcoming Events and Discussions: 4)DG Visit: In discussion. To fix hall for DG visits
Chairman Sachin Shinde
 5)* Strategic Planning Committee Meeting for next year: * To be conducted within 15 days
 6)* Avenue Director Presentations: * All directors to prepare presentations
 7) Project Updates: Thalassemia MOU: - 5-year MOU ending in March 24 - Renewal on hold, decision in the next meeting
 CSR Fund from Vega: - 2 Indian NIV machine worth Rs 10 lacs donations agreed - Completion by 31 December
 Sanitary Pad Disposable Machine: - Worth Rs 35,000 - On hold, discussion to be held later
 Uread Machine Donation: - Agreed for donation to Louis Braille Foundation, Wagholi
 Sanitary Pad Vending Machine: - For. R R High School in Bhor - Funding by Jayatai Deshpande
 8 ) New Position - Project Auditor: - To be added to the club - Responsible for ensuring donated items are used appropriately - MOU between donor and beneficiary
 9 ) Shaktimaan Movie Premier Show: - Releasing in January 24 - Agreed, all members to purchase at least 5 tickets