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Please use the contact information below to connect with a specific office or department that can best meet your needs.
Mr Sanjay Shinde
Shinde villa, 196 Jadhavnagr, vadgaon Bk
Sinhagad Road
Pune 411041
Mr Ashutosh Vaidya
B - 503
Treasure Park Santnagar
Shital Shah,
District Governor 24-25,
Rotary Office, Star Financials,
E 9 & 10, Suryaprakash Society,
Marketyard, Pune-411037
Time : 12 noon - 8pm.
Dimakh Consultants Private Limited
71/A-1 “Vishnu Bhavan”, 15th Lane Prabhat Road,
Pune - 411 004. India.
Phone - +91 (20) 25671495/25671496