Meeting Details

Meeting Date 12 Dec 2022
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Google Meet
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD
Meeting Agenda 1. Update on happy village 2. Update on Heart Surgeries 3. Bawarchi day date fixing 4. New membership addition 5. Cheque of old members not received 6. Upcoming RYLA 7. Upcoming project if 8. Confirmations of voter in Governor election - resolution to be passed 9. Budget review 10. Kelkar meeting budget approval
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting Agenda BOD 12.12.2022 1. Update on happy village 2. Update on Heart Surgeries 3. Bawarchi day date fixing 4. New membership addition 5. Cheque of old members not received 6. Upcoming RYLA 7. Upcoming project if 8. Confirmations of voter in Governor election - resolution to be passed 9. Budget review 10. Kelkar meeting budget approval Minutes of meeting - Attendence - 1. Bhushan Kulkarni 2. Snehal Shinde 3. Sanjay Satalkar 4. Rajendra Satalkar 5. Manoj Ghodke 6. Sachin Shinde 7. Jayashree Deshpande 8. Yogesh Jagtap 9. Gauri Bakle Host : Online BOD Minutes - 1. At the visit, it was noticed that the pumping was not functional. But now the pumping is functional. 80-85% discharge compared to MSEB pump requiring 2.5 hours compared to 2 hours of MSEB. For panel cleaning, there is a necessity to create a walkway. Even the system of the operating from mobile to start and switch off the motor. Only walkway is remaining. The cable at the purification point is also concealed. For Bio digester which was not installed properly is also properly installed. Village has requested to have at least 3-4 lights which will be on the whole light. They do not want motion censored. Parag is going to instal five heavy battery lights. So only aspect of walkway for cleaning and heavy battery solar lights is remaining. The remaining part is documentation. Gauri and Bhushan to take lead on documentation. People from Germany are going to come by 3rd week of December. 2. Total 6 heart surgeries have happened successfully. Three surgeries payment is made. Three cheque payments will be made tomorrow. Two surgeries will be done this week. 20 benificiries are in the waiting list. 3. 5.02 fixed for bavarchi date 4. Rakesh Oswal, Ajinkya Randive - cheques are remaining. Manoj to call Rakehs, Suresh to call Ajinkya. 5. RYLA at Apte Prashala - on 10.01.2023 - two things will be taught - flower arrangement and envelope making and gift wrapping of one day. With Shivajinagar Club we are going to do. 50 students and 5 teachers. Food is sponsored by Madhuri Gokhle and Jayatai. Only expenses are of teachers and material. We have to pay Rs. 5000/- 6. Rs. 10,000/- fellowship expenses of the meeting to be borne. But hence forth it has to be monitored considering the high charges that it would not happen exceeding Rs. 4,500/- 7. Bhor School work is completed. We need to fix up the date for handing over. We can invite the donors for the function to see the project and how it is done. 8. Lunkad School Rs. 25,000/- is remaining for uniforms. For the same funds are required. 9. Resolution is passed and Bhushan will vote for the club for the Governor Candidate. 10. Nomination Committee is formed - 1. Snehal Ghodke, Bhushan Kulkarni, Sanjay Shinde, Manoj Ghodke and Jayashree Deshpande 11. Each member get one is the solution to get the members and if at least BOD gets one member each, we can induct 18 new members. One member ref. Santosh Kataria and one member ref. Amita Sheth is in pipeline. One ref is given by Sachin Shinde (I). Lets keep minimum 10 target One more ref by Sachin will come on upcoming meeting. Lets shoot one membership feedback form. Yogesh to shoot the form in coming two days. G D Joshi in Gharwapasi. Swaroop Caterer - Dhawade. Sachin Kabra. Members to come forward with their connects and to give reference for making them club member.